
“Nobody likes to be ghosted”, shares Olivia Dolphin. With that being the inspiration behind his highly groovy and up-tempo track, we are captivated by her effortless ability to craft up such unique sound within the realms of indie pop and alternative rock. A song that captures the gritty honesty of being ghosted, Olivia is solidifying her image as a promising, young up and coming artist in an increasingly competitive field.

— Tongue Tied Magazine

One of the local artists who teamed up with Pitch & Prose to release their music was Olivia Dolphin with this full-length album that came out on April 8, 2022. Dolphin is a stellar songwriter and this record is a prime example of why. If you give “Too Deep”, “In The Dark” and “We Wrote The Book” off of it a listen, then you’ll probably agree with me.

— Rob Duguay