Valley Breeze


Conversation and live performances from Olivia in The Public’s Radio studio! Listen to Olivia and James Baumgartner discuss musical influence, the Providence creative community and Olivia’s love hate relationship with musical theatre.

“Lincoln's Dolphin makes waves with anthem against perfectionism”
- from Olivia’s hometown newspaper!


One of the local artists who teamed up with Pitch & Prose to release their music was Olivia Dolphin with this full-length album that came out on April 8, 2022. Dolphin is a stellar songwriter and this record is a prime example of why. If you give “Too Deep”, “In The Dark” and “We Wrote The Book” off of it a listen, then you’ll probably agree with me.
— Rob Duguay

“Nobody likes to be ghosted”, shares Olivia Dolphin. With that being the inspiration behind his highly groovy and up-tempo track, we are captivated by her effortless ability to craft up such unique sound within the realms of indie pop and alternative rock. A song that captures the gritty honesty of being ghosted, Olivia is solidifying her image as a promising, young up and coming artist in an increasingly competitive field.

-Tongue Tied Magazine